Demolition Safety Hazards
Hazards specific to demolition work are primarily equipment and process related and failure to identify them can result in failure to prevent and injury or illness. Here is a short list of some demolition safety hazards you might consider:
- Falling debris from overhead structures
- Unprotected cabs which allow material to strike operator
- Excavator tipping and rollovers
- Equipment fires
- Respiratory hazards from dust created during the demo process
- Trips and falls while entering and exiting demolition equipment
Safety Work Procedures for Demolition
In order to reduce the risk of employee injury while performing demolition work, safe work procedures should be implemented and enforced. You might consider the following safe work procedures for your business:
- Only trained and certified operators may operate demolition equipment
- All demolition zones shall be taped off with warning tape in order to control access
- Demolition structures and sites shall have water applied prior to work in order to minimize hazardous dust
- Equipment shall be inspected before and after each use in order to clear out any fire hazards or identify other hazards
- Precautions shall be taken to avoid operating equipment on excessively steep work ground
- Equipment shall offer adequate protection for the operator from falling and protruding debris
Demolition Safety Checklist
A good demolition safety checklist should consist of checks for both site and equipment hazards and controls.
Here are some good examples. You may have to edit these examples to make your checklist company or site specific.
Demolition Safety Manual
demolition safety manual should lay the foundation for all of your company's safety and heatlh polcies, procedures, and programs. Topics covered should include those set forth in 29 CFR 1926.
Here are the specific standards that apply to demolition.