Welding Safety Rules
A good set of welding safety rules for welders will pay dividends if they are provided and enforced effectively. Failure to do so will result in more welding injuries and illnesses. Each establishment may have different safety rules depending on the unique hazards which are present at their sites. However, there are some basic ones that are common among almost all welding shops and sites. Here they are:
- Always use proper PPE while welding or while near a welding operation
- Tag or destroy and replace all defective PPE immediately
- Never engage in horseplay while welding operations are ongoing
- Ensure the proper type of tool or equipment is being used for the task at hand
- Report all hazards immediately to your supervisor or next in command
- Obey all safety signs and warning symbols in welding areas
Welding Safety Tips
Like welding safety rules, tips can be specific to the welding company, operation or site. Tips are different than rules as they don't necessarily warrant a safety "violation" when not obeyed. Rather, they are designed to improve safety beyond the basics.
- Always use a welding hood with an effective lens
- Use caution when using auto-darkening lenses and avoid cheap auto-darkening lenses completely
- Always use protective clothing for exposed skin such as arms and neck
- Ensure the usual personal protective equipment (PPE) is in use (i.e. welding gloves, protective boots, welding hood, flame or fire retardant clothing wear an increased about of slag and sparks is present
- Ensure that welding curtains are utilized where other people are working
- Ensure basic precautions are taken to prevent electric shock (you learned this in welding school or during OJT)
To some people, welding safety tips are the same as welding safety rules - they are synonymous. It really is a preference depending upon your company, clients and operations.
Welding Safety Checklist
There are a plethora of welding safety checklists out there. Some regard OSHA standards and some do not. Since that's what you're looking for, we'll link to the best one we found
right here.
Welding Safety PPT
Welding safety powerpoint presentations are also "in abundance" on the web but the quality is the issue.
Here's one we like very much. Use it to train or orientate employees to the hazards associated with welding or on basic safe operating procedures.
Welding Safety Test
Need a sample welding test to give new hires or current welders? Download
this welding safety test from Virginia Tech's lab. Testing welders or potential new hires will allow you to gauge competence and ensure all your staff will work safely and efficiently.
Welding Safety Topics
Welding safety topics should include subject matter that addresses all the hazards associated with welding, brazing, and cutting. They should also include topics that are not necessarily related to welding specifically. An example would be:
- fire extinguishers,
- fall protection,
- personal protective equipment,
- heat illness prevention
- drug and alcohol use in the workplace
- compressed gas cylinders
Need a safety topics library that includes topics related to welding companies? Try out our safety topics library and enjoy an instant download.
Welding Safety Manual
Welding companies must communicate welding, cutting, brazing and related hazards and procedures to employees in a clear and concise way. A welding safety manual does just that. It's a document that includes a policy statement, programs, and procedures that deal with welding safety.
Employees should have complete access to this manual at any time while on the job so they can reference it at any time should they have questions about an operation, procedure or anything else related to welding safety. Need a safety manual to satisfy OSHA, your work comp requirements, or a client? Try our welding safety manual template now and enjoy an instant download of the item in Microsoft Word.
Welding Safety Posters
When it comes to finding or making safety posters or safety signs, you'll be hard pressed to find anything in a reasonable amount of time. We did all the research and here is a
safety poster maker that will allow you to create welding safety posters and signs on the fly right from your web browser and for free. Let us know if you find a better one!
Welding Safety Clothing
Fire and flame retardant or resistant clothing and personal protective equipment are absolutely paramount for keeping welders safe. We've used several online vendors over the years and our clients have too. Unfortunately, sometimes these welding safety clothing vendors are not always reliable, especially if you need to return something or have questions. For this reason, we'd like to recommend this great
welding safety clothing resource that has great pricing and great support from the small but capable staff.